Orange Lassi


Preparation Time: 15-20 Minutes
Cooking Time: NIL
Servings: 4

Lassi is a Dahi or Yogurt based drink, very popular in every household in India and special in Summer season. 

Lassi is of Three Types:

1. Sweet Lassi or Meethi Lassi.
2. Salted Lassi (Without Sugar).
3. Masala Lassi.

We are here to know how to make orange lassi and it Falls in to first category i. e. Sweet Lassi. Orange lassi is also health drink as it includes yogurt, orange juice.

Ingredients for Orange Lassi:

1. 400 ml orange juice
2. 2 Cups Curd or Yogurt
3. 6 Tablespoon Sugar
4. 1 Teaspoon black pepper
5. Salt 1 Pinch
6. Ice Cubes
7. Mint Leaves

Preparation of Orange Juice:

1. Mix all the ingredients i.e. juice, yogurt, sugar, black pepper, salt and ice cubes in a mixer till smooth and frothy
2. Remove and pour it in 4 glasses with mint leaves on top.
